All the various programs and activities taken up for the economic, social and political empowerment benefit the rural woman and she became a more aware, conscious, knowledgeable and vocal person. This change benefits herself, her family and also the community at large.
This rural woman along with other women in the close-knit rural society becomes a force to reckon with when they come together.
‘Organized Women’ – This vehicle rides on the two wheels of awareness regarding rights and awareness of their own responsibilities. Focus on only one aspect will lead to skewed development. They are very clear now that the objective is not to overtake men or leave them behind but to use every opportunity to be at their men’s side as a knowledgeable and conscious family member, citizen; live with recognition and dignity.
The programs facilitated and encouraged the democratic and non-hierarchical relationships and processes. All were considered equals and decisions were made by consensus.
Methods that promote self-reliance were encouraged. A constant effort in all programs was maintained to integrate reflection and action through experiential learning processes, based on real problems and needs in their lives, within their immediate environment.
These organized women who have come together through small saving groups, helping each other in small ways, graduate to bigger activities like collective entrepreneurship, collective farming, through procurement of loans as a collective group. The federation provides bigger amounts to such enterprising groups based on their past experiences and capacity of repayment.

Pioneers from these organized women of about 35-40 villages are the office bearers of the Federation which comprises the largest collection of the women SHGs from individual villages.
Many study visits, awareness camps, exposure to new ideas and attitudes are taken up. These organized women through all the other programs work together to fight bigger social evils like liquor addiction, dowry, caste conflicts. The injustice Redressal Committees in many villages keep an eagle eye on conflicts of the households in the village and intervene if necessary as a group if they come across any exploitation or wrongdoing in the family. Armed with the knowledge of legal rights and many related aspects, they counsel the parties in conflict and give a direction for resolving the issue. The said persons are not under compulsion to take their advice if they do not want it. Timely interventions do cool down the temperatures and stop it from becoming a bigger non-resolvable issue, many times. These committees also have men members and youth of the village to help out positively.
These organized women are now a vocal group, putting their best foot forward for the development of their village and surroundings. Training helps them to prioritize issues, use development funds judiciously and also keep an eye on corruption and corrupt people if any. Many pioneer women have been elected to the governing council as ‘Panchayat Members’ or even as heads of the council (Sarpanch).
The mandatory Village Gram Sabha and Mahila Sabha in many villages are now being held regularly and in proper ways so that women can also attend and put forth their views.
It is proven beyond doubt that rural people and especially women if provided the opportunities and exposed to the right direction become the torch bearers of the conscious and positive development of the society.

Farmer-to-Farmer, women-to-woman is a link that provides information, awareness, strength and courage all in one go. This happens when they, simply put, just talk to each other.
One identified or selected pioneer woman sets the ball rolling. With help from Chetana-Vikas, opportunities are provided for meetings, camps, campaigns. Here is where the woman-to-woman link is activated and they learn from each other’s experiences. They started coming together for identified common causes.
This slowly started gaining momentum and became a force of organized women in the village.

Organization For Economic Self-Reliance
Through common savings, these organized women help each other procure loans, identify really needy persons. Through awareness and training, they have formed federations that are able to identify, ratify, sanction or even refuse money as loans.
This organization entirely manages the account keeping, record maintenance on their own and are saved from money lenders who charge exorbitant rates.
This process is owned by the women themselves and has led to their economic self-reliance.

Organization for social cultural equality
The very same organization also takes upstand on issues affecting them socially and culturally. They have formed injustice redressal committees that tackle issues like sexual harassment, rapes, domestic violence de-addiction programs against gambling & liquor, domestic violence, love affairs, intercaste marriages which come up again and again in village life. Cases where legal help is required, are sent to Family Counselling Centres. Many times disputes are resolved at the village level itself. They can even talk with police, advocates regarding the issues. Proper guidance, information regarding these issues, legal literacy forms the backbone of this work done by organized women. They become powerful but sensitive pressure groups in the community.

Organized Conscious citizens
Political literacy was included as must know-how for these organized women. Political rights and duties, awareness of methodology have made these women vocal and also articulate participants of Mahila (women) Gram Sabha and also Village Gram Sabha. They ensure regular holding of meetings and attendance at meetings. They demand implementation of various government schemes learnt at camps, priority development issues of the village, use of development funds by government and keep an eagle eye on corruption. Women have been elected as Sarpanch (Head of Panchayat) or even Panchayat members (village governing council elected by the village). They are not afraid to talk to government officials, visit offices and demand rightful shares from them.
Thus, organized women became a force to reckon with in the community and more importantly known to take appropriate decisions about men, women, children, village. Decisions that are sound, and take everyone forward for a peaceful, harmonious and sustainable life.