For a long time, women have been time and again designated as a ‘silent majority. It takes a great effort to make women vocal within their own families. Consistent efforts of organizing women to raise their awareness about their issues turn into a definite march towards political empowerment.
The organization of village women, the realization of their true potential, opportunity to realize this self-worth makes them vocal citizens at village governance bodies. Women are taught to voice and demand channelling of precious development money to required places like schools, roads, drinking water supply, sanitation etc.

Exposure and study visits, training, information sharing has led to:
- Holding of regular Mahila Gram Sabha (Women governance meetings) and
General Gram Sabha (village governance meetings of both men and women). - Raising relevant issues and vocal stand by women at governance bodies.
- Participation in various committees to resolve issues.
- Participation in village-level elections and so that they are elected as Panchayat Raj members
(Elected body for village governance) as well as Sarpanch (Elected head of village governance bodies). - Dealing with various government officials.
- Keeping corruption at bay- both monetary and material attitude and knowledge
regarding their rights and responsibilities as village citizens. - Increasing emphasis on the concept of self-sufficient, cooperative, village republics (Gram Swaraj).
- Asserting before government officials and village men for their rightful share.
- Learning relevant scientific and mathematical skills like calculating wages, understanding construction work
and its measurements, competitive rates of various materials etc.