Dear Friends

The website is an effort to introduce what we are doing. This is not just talking about ‘Success Stories’. The picture is not just rosy. We come across roses in the bushes, along with thorns strewn in the path. The way is long and full of challenges. Travelling this way involves problems and potentialities, struggles and successes,
moments of despair and rays of hope.

We would appreciate it if you can join us as partners in this tough, long, challenging journey in the search of alternatives and social justice. If you share our vision, then do join us in Action. Discover the joy and satisfaction of GIVING through your Skill or Resources.

How Can This Partnership Be Developed

Lend Us Your Skills!

Recommending enthusiastic professionals and workers who are willing to enter the challenging profession of rural development to join our team and show their mettle.

Extending your solidarity and support to us on micro and macrolevel issues. You can collaborate for actions on policy change and advocacy.

By understanding and sharing our vision and actions, and drawing from our experiences and utilizing our resources like programme models, training, consultancy of various aspects including planning and evaluation.

Professionals can join as full-time staff, besides various roles – e.g. volunteers, short duration or long, as fellows, as apprentices for hands-on learning.

Fund Raising is a crucial activity, required for implementing the various schemes. If you think you have a knack for getting our message across to resourceful, like-minded people/organisations and helping us get the funds required to fulfil our vision, then we’d love to hear from you!

To volunteer for any of the current openings, contact us here –

Current Openings

Under Agri & NRM Section :
(A) Training and learning opportunities are created from time to time.

(B) Different Certificate Training courses of short duration, and Certificate Course of hands-on Training of 3 months, 6 months and 1 year are available in Marathi or Hindi only.

Under Women Section :
(A) Training of trainers for rural women on – food processing esp, preparing spices, pickles etc.
– Machine technical training.
– Repairing gas stoves, sewing machines, mixers.

(B) Awareness and opportunity to learn from our rich experiences on
– Organisation of youth girls and boys for their own individual as well as for community development.
– Establishing and maintaining Self-help Groups of women and developing it as a vehicle for women organisations.
– Anti liquor campaigns carried out by women organisations in villages.
– A three-step innovative approach to solve disputes by pioneer conscious village women youth and men at the community level, cluster level and through family counselling centres. Legal literacy and counselling is important to factor in this process. Reduces the load on Courts and Judicial Systems in a big way.